Tonight, I watched a show on Animal Planet called, "Fatal Attractions." On the show, it highlights pet-owners, that take their love for pets to a dangerous and obsessive level. On this particular episode, it showed this man named, Ted Dres, who owned a pet 13-foot python. He would let the snake coil around his neck, and he stated that it would comfort him. Ted would watch his python eat rabbits, and film the snake obliterating the rabbit. This is what the white girls call, "CREEPY" and what the black girls call "WEIIRRD." I feel that Ted was so powerless in his life, that he used the snake as a way to have power and control things. Ted also had a side hobby of making bombs, and was a product of this behavior.
However, in the episode, there's also another man by the name of Jim Harrison, who used venom to cure diseases. I thought it was extremely powerful, that something as dangerous as venom, and something that could take lives, could also be used to save someone's life. For 34 years, Jim tracked venomous snakes and milked the venom out of each snake. Unfortunately, he came across the wrong snake, and it almost killed him. I then asked myself the question, could I ever care for something so much, that I would put my life on the line, every day for? Jim definitely did. He cared so much about his work, and retrieving venom, that he didn't mind putting his life on the line for it.
It was interesting comparing both people on the show, because they are both on opposite spectrums. This definitely could go for creative people, there are the creative people who use their creativity for negativity, and then there are the creatives who use their ideas positively.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Hard to digest
If you have been following my blog posts, you would know that my uncle passed away yesterday. And the eerie idea of death has been on my mind all throughout the day, and it's just such a deep ocean, that is rarely delved in. it's very seldom that, we as human beings think about death because its such a common fear. After a little thought, I gained the understanding that sadly, whether you want it to, or not, life ultimately has to end. That thought in itself, is the hardest thing to digest because ever since we were children, we've been taught, "...and then happily ever after." death rarely occurs in everyday conversation, so when someone dies, it feels so abrupt. I still don’t know exactly what to feel, nor do I know what to think about the death of my uncle; except, the mere fact that he's gone for forever...I’m upset because I took my uncle for granted, and didn’t talk to him as much as I could’ve and most importantly, should’ve. So in memory of my uncle Aaron, rest in peace, and you're loved, respected, & honored for eternity.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
So today I got a text from my mom saying, "Gabriel call your dad...his brother passed away today..." then, a feeling of absolute confusion overcame me & and I just played In my bed and closed my eyes. I was confused rather than upset, at first, because I was perplexed about which uncle It could be. I didn’t know what to do, besides call my dad, but I was scared and didn’t want to. 5 minutes passed by, and I finally mustered up enough courage to call my dad. Just as In the movies, the phone seemed like It was ringing for eternity and 9 lifetimes later, he answered the phone...
to try to ease the mood, I greeted my dad with a concerned tone of voice. We exchanged "hello's" and then I asked my father, "How are you doing?"
he responded by saying, "your uncle Aaron passed away."
My dad sounded like he was trying to hold tears back, and the mood on the phone, as expected, was extremely somber.
I broke the silence by saying, "what was the cause of death?"
I just didn’t want to foolishly say, "how did he die?"
my father responded, "lung cancer."
we then exchanged a little more ovation, and then a few more moment the phone call was over. I then grieved for a few moments...and Immediately after, I didn’t know what to feel or think...
to try to ease the mood, I greeted my dad with a concerned tone of voice. We exchanged "hello's" and then I asked my father, "How are you doing?"
he responded by saying, "your uncle Aaron passed away."
My dad sounded like he was trying to hold tears back, and the mood on the phone, as expected, was extremely somber.
I broke the silence by saying, "what was the cause of death?"
I just didn’t want to foolishly say, "how did he die?"
my father responded, "lung cancer."
we then exchanged a little more ovation, and then a few more moment the phone call was over. I then grieved for a few moments...and Immediately after, I didn’t know what to feel or think...
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Vintage Lisa Bonet
Due to Netflix's terrible movie selection, I've been watching Cosby episodes during my free time. Classic Television. Nowadays, Every time I flip through the channels, I ask myself where are the shows like the Cosby Show, Fresh Prince, etc. To be honest, Geico commercials are more entertaining than 98% of the shows on TV. But back to the subject, these Cosby episodes take me back, and remind me of how much I used to be in love with denise (Lisa Bonet). I thought I'd add a shallow blog post in, because whether people admit it or not, there is at least some part of everyone's brain that is "shallow" and superficial. I mean who doesn't want an attractive partner? You'd be a fool if you turned down the person of your dreams, and I wouldn't dare reject someone as magnificent as Lisa Bonet.
You might ask, what is even so great about her? It's so mind-boggling that the majority of my friends don't even see the value and beauty that comes with Lisa Bonet.
1. She's a Bohemian Goddess
2. The SWAG is on hundred-thousand-trillion (Her style is impeccable)
3. Natural Beauty > All. I'm so sick & tired of all the plastic surgery. I mean what's real, if your physical features aren't?
Monday, February 21, 2011
How do you market yourself?
Many people fail to realize that during our daily routines we are advertising ourselves to the rest of the world. I feel that the concepts associated with advertising are universal, because advertising plays an influential role in one’s triumphs, along with one’s failures. The method that one takes to handle their relationships, on the personal and business level, ultimately is brought out in public. It's crazy because lately I've been all about networking, I've been building relatioships with other people that are like-minded, with the goal to gain success and prosperity. My mind takes me to the Jay-z quote, "What are we talking for, if it aint about money." I'm not saying that I center my entire life around money, but I definitely take it into account when I am making moves and relationships for the future. And In the land of building & sustaining relationships, marketing reigns SUPREME.
I am obsessed with my future, because I have dreamt about it my entire life. I feel that if one does not have any dreams and aspirations, then how are they able to grow? There’s a particular James Dean quote that has stuck with me throughout the years and it is, “Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today.” Ever since I came in contact with this compelling quote, it has served as an outline on how I would approach life and my future endeavors. That being, the simple will to thrive to live, and not just exist.
I mean you are here to live and not just exist right?
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Break up, but I never said break down...
Admittedly, I am little late, but watching this video inspired the following train of thought so do yourself a favor and get on track.
The moment of clarity that trails after a breakup is never as moving or as stripped from emotion as this is, and I suppose that is, what makes them so complicated. The task of melding your individualism with another is wearisome in itself but having to cut those ties prematurely or, worse still, after smugness has set in is a humbling experience. Having been on both sides of the fence, I can say with a fair bit of self-assurance, which it's easier to commence a breakup, the tricky part is that initiating the divide and the end of the relationship rarely takes place simultaneously.
As the video portrays, once the relationship is "officially" over issues ranging from the possession of a persons heart or the boundaries of this newly formed friendship are yet to be arranged and as such it is a confusing time. However, it can also be the point in time that allows us the greatest insight into how and why the relationship worked in the first place in addition to granting the opportunity for self reflection…the wondering "where did it go wrong" or the more toxic "what did I do wrong."
One of my favorite artist’s Cee-Lo, stated that days that titles are limitations, living and learning are our only obligations, but when such an emphasis is put on a title and that title is revoked you are left with nothing, but limitations.
Now that I’m good and into it, the question that needs to be asked is so what?
Relationships come to an conclusion all of the time but the point is that often times we carry with us the baggage of those relationships, unaware that luggage has been silently changing positions in the overhead bin while soaring through life. The emotional ties we develop are always retained in some form or fashion, and adjusting to them is paramount if we're to make it out of the love life alive. Some react with "passive aggressive contention" towards those we claim to love, and others cling onto more concrete remedies like polite bi-annual phone calls (on those shitty days, or to lift heavy things). No matter though, the first step is coming to grips with where you stand on the relationship and learning from the experience.
Remember folks that with those limitations gone, living and learning are your only obligations.
The moment of clarity that trails after a breakup is never as moving or as stripped from emotion as this is, and I suppose that is, what makes them so complicated. The task of melding your individualism with another is wearisome in itself but having to cut those ties prematurely or, worse still, after smugness has set in is a humbling experience. Having been on both sides of the fence, I can say with a fair bit of self-assurance, which it's easier to commence a breakup, the tricky part is that initiating the divide and the end of the relationship rarely takes place simultaneously.
As the video portrays, once the relationship is "officially" over issues ranging from the possession of a persons heart or the boundaries of this newly formed friendship are yet to be arranged and as such it is a confusing time. However, it can also be the point in time that allows us the greatest insight into how and why the relationship worked in the first place in addition to granting the opportunity for self reflection…the wondering "where did it go wrong" or the more toxic "what did I do wrong."
One of my favorite artist’s Cee-Lo, stated that days that titles are limitations, living and learning are our only obligations, but when such an emphasis is put on a title and that title is revoked you are left with nothing, but limitations.
Now that I’m good and into it, the question that needs to be asked is so what?
Relationships come to an conclusion all of the time but the point is that often times we carry with us the baggage of those relationships, unaware that luggage has been silently changing positions in the overhead bin while soaring through life. The emotional ties we develop are always retained in some form or fashion, and adjusting to them is paramount if we're to make it out of the love life alive. Some react with "passive aggressive contention" towards those we claim to love, and others cling onto more concrete remedies like polite bi-annual phone calls (on those shitty days, or to lift heavy things). No matter though, the first step is coming to grips with where you stand on the relationship and learning from the experience.
Remember folks that with those limitations gone, living and learning are your only obligations.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
window seat
On my way to work, erykah badu's, "Window Seat" came on my ipod & that walk to work was the most emotional walk to work i could ever dream of. I felt as if Erykah Was singing to me, in the song. I felt as if I understood everything she was trying to convey. Erykah Badu’s, “Window Seat”, definitely could Erykah Badu’s, “Window Seat”, definitely could take on a various number of different meanings. This song stands for nonconformity, eccentricity, rebellion, and voicing your feelings no matter how people feel about them. I identify with this song so strongly because it reminds me of the time I quit the basketball team, and spoke up to the coach.
To most of my teammates, I was a “sell-out”, to my coach; I was a failure. My parents supported it, but even then it seemed as if they didn’t understand why I quit the team. When I quit it wasn’t epic, or it wasn’t put in the newspaper because most rebellions go unknown. My goal wasn’t to make any sort of statement, but just to free myself from the chains that came with being on the basketball team. The only impact was that I was able to be as an inspiration to a fellow teammate, because he decided to quit too. From the start, rebelling looked impossible but low and behold, not only did I make it but I made it. This sense of rebellion really gave me inner peace, and I grew during the process. on a various number of different meanings.I feel as if, This song stands for nonconformity, eccentricity, rebellion, and voicing your feelings no matter how people feel about them. Erykah Badu’s, “Window Seat”, definitely could take on a various number of different meanings. This song stands for nonconformity, eccentricity, rebellion, and voicing your feelings no matter how people feel about them. I identify with this song so strongly because it reminds me of the time I quit the basketball team, and spoke up to the coach. To most of my teammates, I was a “sell-out”, to my coach; I was a failure. My parents supported it, but even then it seemed as if they didn’t understand why I quit the team. When I quit it wasn’t epic, or it wasn’t put in the newspaper because most rebellions go unknown. My goal wasn’t to make any sort of statement, but just to free myself from the chains that came with being on the basketball team. The only impact was that I was able to be as an inspiration to a fellow teammate, because he decided to quit too. From the start, rebelling looked impossible but low and behold, not only did I make it but I made it. This sense of rebellion really gave me inner peace, and I grew during the process. because it reminds me of the time I quit the basketball team, and spoke up to the coach. My basketball coach's attitude resembled a mild hitler on a power trip to control a group of high school kids. He would make players feel less tan human, if they made a mistake. Tis scare tactic proved to be a failure, because players stopped getting better.
To a few of my teammates, I was a “sell-out”, to my coach; I was a failure. My parents, and other teammates supported it, but even then it seemed as if they didn’t understand why I quit the team. When I quit it wasn’t epic, or it wasn’t put in the newspaper because most rebellions go unknown. My goal wasn’t to make any sort of statement, but just to free myself from the chains that came with being on the basketball team. The only impact was that I was able to be as an inspiration to a fellow teammate, because he decided to quit too. From the start, rebelling looked impossible but low and behold, not only did I make it but I made it.
This sense of rebellion really gave me inner peace, and I grew during the process.
To most of my teammates, I was a “sell-out”, to my coach; I was a failure. My parents supported it, but even then it seemed as if they didn’t understand why I quit the team. When I quit it wasn’t epic, or it wasn’t put in the newspaper because most rebellions go unknown. My goal wasn’t to make any sort of statement, but just to free myself from the chains that came with being on the basketball team. The only impact was that I was able to be as an inspiration to a fellow teammate, because he decided to quit too. From the start, rebelling looked impossible but low and behold, not only did I make it but I made it. This sense of rebellion really gave me inner peace, and I grew during the process. on a various number of different meanings.I feel as if, This song stands for nonconformity, eccentricity, rebellion, and voicing your feelings no matter how people feel about them. Erykah Badu’s, “Window Seat”, definitely could take on a various number of different meanings. This song stands for nonconformity, eccentricity, rebellion, and voicing your feelings no matter how people feel about them. I identify with this song so strongly because it reminds me of the time I quit the basketball team, and spoke up to the coach. To most of my teammates, I was a “sell-out”, to my coach; I was a failure. My parents supported it, but even then it seemed as if they didn’t understand why I quit the team. When I quit it wasn’t epic, or it wasn’t put in the newspaper because most rebellions go unknown. My goal wasn’t to make any sort of statement, but just to free myself from the chains that came with being on the basketball team. The only impact was that I was able to be as an inspiration to a fellow teammate, because he decided to quit too. From the start, rebelling looked impossible but low and behold, not only did I make it but I made it. This sense of rebellion really gave me inner peace, and I grew during the process. because it reminds me of the time I quit the basketball team, and spoke up to the coach. My basketball coach's attitude resembled a mild hitler on a power trip to control a group of high school kids. He would make players feel less tan human, if they made a mistake. Tis scare tactic proved to be a failure, because players stopped getting better.
To a few of my teammates, I was a “sell-out”, to my coach; I was a failure. My parents, and other teammates supported it, but even then it seemed as if they didn’t understand why I quit the team. When I quit it wasn’t epic, or it wasn’t put in the newspaper because most rebellions go unknown. My goal wasn’t to make any sort of statement, but just to free myself from the chains that came with being on the basketball team. The only impact was that I was able to be as an inspiration to a fellow teammate, because he decided to quit too. From the start, rebelling looked impossible but low and behold, not only did I make it but I made it.
This sense of rebellion really gave me inner peace, and I grew during the process.
Be you & Be TRUE
Watching a Band become famous might just be one of the sweetest joys in life. I've been keeping up with this rap group out of LA called, Odd Future. They're a group full of misunderstood, random, punks, who really just dont give a F^#% about how they are perceived. I've always kept up with their music, because they aren't afraid to be who they are, and how they truely feel. In a "politcally correct" world, a person revealing their true colors, might only occur on the next Jersey Shore Episode. However, these kids are different.
These kids aren't afraid to draw outside of the lines...
The other night, they performed on Jimmy Fallon, and CRAZY might just be an understatement. Peep the video below:
A few months ago, they were being deemed as a bunch of misguided youth, and now, just the other day, they got signed to XXL recordings. It's inspiring to see someone get rewarded for staying true to themselves, because in today's world, people are infatuated with "faking it, until you make it." What I mean is, if turn the radio on, you will hear nothing but imposters, and folks, imposters deserve oscars, not grammys. If you didn't get anything else from this post, keep in mind: DONT BE AFRAID TO DRAW OUTSIDE THE LINES.
These kids aren't afraid to draw outside of the lines...
The other night, they performed on Jimmy Fallon, and CRAZY might just be an understatement. Peep the video below:
Monday, February 14, 2011
Sweet Tea
Anyone that knows me, knows that I love me some good ol' sweet tea. Blame it on my southern roots, it's just something about a good batch of sweet tea. My "go-to" is definitely the arizona brand, but whether it's from Mcdonalds, Canes, Chic-Fil-A, Snapple etc. So today, since it is Valentines day, I decided to write a poem about sweet tea, in relation to a significant other.
"Be that Sweet Tea For Me"
Extra sugar please
Southern style, southern girl smile
My tea is extra sweet
Images waver through the steam rising
I want to cover you with kisses
Like yellow cake draped with chocolate icing
She's that slow sipping tea
That let's talk so u can get to know me
A hint of lemon
Spoon swirls, finger twirls,
Naturally free, healing my soul
She's herbal for me
Southern style, southern smile
Down home sweet teaComforted instantly
My insides are warm
When she slow brews
I'm lost in her storm
When my days are long
She says sit with me
Come get with me
So many facets to her
I want to solve her mysteries
She's meditation
So deep I find sweetness in her condensation
I pour her essence into my vessel
I hum and sigh
I enter her mind
And exit between her thighs
She be that flavored teaShe be savored by me
She be favored by me
She be an easy labor for me
I birth dreams sprinkled with granules of sugar
Reading her leaves through the steam
She be that tea She
"Be that Sweet Tea For Me"
Extra sugar please
Southern style, southern girl smile
My tea is extra sweet
Images waver through the steam rising
I want to cover you with kisses
Like yellow cake draped with chocolate icing
She's that slow sipping tea
That let's talk so u can get to know me
A hint of lemon
Spoon swirls, finger twirls,
Naturally free, healing my soul
She's herbal for me
Southern style, southern smile
Down home sweet teaComforted instantly
My insides are warm
When she slow brews
I'm lost in her storm
When my days are long
She says sit with me
Come get with me
So many facets to her
I want to solve her mysteries
She's meditation
So deep I find sweetness in her condensation
I pour her essence into my vessel
I hum and sigh
I enter her mind
And exit between her thighs
She be that flavored teaShe be savored by me
She be favored by me
She be an easy labor for me
I birth dreams sprinkled with granules of sugar
Reading her leaves through the steam
She be that tea She
Friday, February 11, 2011
Let it all out
For this post, I thought I'd do a little mental exercise, if you will. I thought it'd be interesting to list all of the things that interest and perplex me, for the next ten minutes without stopping.

JESUS. FAMILY. Inner Circle. Shoes, Kicks, Sneakers, Footwork, whatever you call it. Black babies feeding themselves. Black Revolutionaries. Wrolly convicted criminals. Lisa Bonet. Poverty. Corner Offices. Successful college dropouts. Afro-Cuban Jazz. Retrofuture. Lighthouses. Expensive Chandeliers. Why? Don't ask! When my significant other my wardrobe, and actually succeeds. Ancestral congregation. Good conversation. My Future Wife. My unborn child. Harmonious Discord. Perfect Imperfectios. People watching. People loving. Single Mothers. LProud Fathers. Chess, this aint no checkers game! Huey Newton. Napoleon. The otherside of the pillowcase. Kanye. Revolutions. Steamed Broccoli! J-DILLA. Non-Fiction Books. Documentaries. Hood rat stuff. Movie nights with my sig other. MLK Showers in the dark. Cashville, Tennessee. Saturday morning cartoons with a gigantic bowl of cinnamon toast crunch. Photography. Malcolm X. My homies. 90's Action figures. Struggle. Giving my grandmother kisses at the most inappropriate moments. Brooklyn. Long drives. Kung Fu. Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon. Kung Fu flicks. Acting like I know Kung Fu. Happiness. Random stares. Children. Michael Jordan. My genius brother Ku. My genius 8th grade sister Ashtan. And my beautiful other sister, Aerial. Oh, and my old dead fish, Chico. Mannn I miss him!
After reading this list, all I could really deduce is that I am weird person. It's crazy how wild your stream of consciousness pours out, when exercises like this are performed.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Upon thinking about what idea I would use for my mind map project, I began to observe and take more consideration about the things I was seeing on a daily basis. It then hit me, as I was sitting on my friends blue jean couch, I would use the idea of comfort.
Now, please excuse me if I preach, I get it from my dad...he's one.
See most people only think about the physical aspect of comfort, and in return forget about the psychological sense of comfort. I try to use the words, "live, don’t just exist" as a constant reminder to stay productive. The quote has more to it than just meets eye, there is an underlying concept of pushing the idea of comfort to the side, and embracing development and growth.
What I mean by growth is as a person, you can’t stay in the same position for too long, because the moment you become comfortable, you start slipping and missing the loose ends of life. You find yourself in the same place, while life simply passes you by and you miss out the opportunities due to your so-called comfort, which is why I aim for transformation. In this ever-changing world, I want to keep evolving, but at the same time, being true to myself.
And let the church say amen...
I also made this graphic to go along with the post:
Thursday, February 3, 2011
“I freed a thousand slaves I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves.” - Harriet Tubman
Since it's Black History Month, and since I am an African American, I thought I'd at least warm you up with a Harriet Tubman quote. For starters, that quote just might deeper than the very hole that Bin Laden is hiding in right now. But Ms. Harriet, most definitely has a good point, because freedom is something of the mind. It's mind-boggling to think about the mere fact that during slavery, there were "slaves", who weren't aware that they were being enslaved. Which leaves me to my next point, Awareness is under-rated. Along with, being Keen and being able to discern.
If one is aware, they at least acknowledge & understand their current state of mind & being. The first step to being "free", is knowing that you are enslaved, which is what Harriet Tubman was getting at in her quote above. I feel that once someone truly believes that they are enslaved, they will do whatever it takes to free themselves. Well, I sure as hell would!
Slavery extends further than what happened to my ancestors, and is still going on to this very second. No, I'm not referencing some sort of human trafficking or sexual slavery etc. I'm talking about social slavery. I'm talking about not being able to be your true self, in fear of rejection. It's far more deeper than some high school college essay, I see it occurring everyday. Especially right around rush week, because you see people re-inventing themselves; just to fit the mold that someone ELSE set for them. And Folks, that is no good!
I have nothing against greek life by any means, but sometimes I feel as if it just isn't for everybody. Some people aren't just made for it, and when people start forcing themselves to fit the mold, sorry to say it, but they are wearing the shackles of social slavery.
Since it's Black History Month, and since I am an African American, I thought I'd at least warm you up with a Harriet Tubman quote. For starters, that quote just might deeper than the very hole that Bin Laden is hiding in right now. But Ms. Harriet, most definitely has a good point, because freedom is something of the mind. It's mind-boggling to think about the mere fact that during slavery, there were "slaves", who weren't aware that they were being enslaved. Which leaves me to my next point, Awareness is under-rated. Along with, being Keen and being able to discern.
If one is aware, they at least acknowledge & understand their current state of mind & being. The first step to being "free", is knowing that you are enslaved, which is what Harriet Tubman was getting at in her quote above. I feel that once someone truly believes that they are enslaved, they will do whatever it takes to free themselves. Well, I sure as hell would!
Slavery extends further than what happened to my ancestors, and is still going on to this very second. No, I'm not referencing some sort of human trafficking or sexual slavery etc. I'm talking about social slavery. I'm talking about not being able to be your true self, in fear of rejection. It's far more deeper than some high school college essay, I see it occurring everyday. Especially right around rush week, because you see people re-inventing themselves; just to fit the mold that someone ELSE set for them. And Folks, that is no good!
I have nothing against greek life by any means, but sometimes I feel as if it just isn't for everybody. Some people aren't just made for it, and when people start forcing themselves to fit the mold, sorry to say it, but they are wearing the shackles of social slavery.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
What makes you?
I thought that I'd add a more political and social blog post this go around, since it is Black History Month. This post was insired by a moment, when a friend of mind asked me playfully, "why do you think, and act the way you act." I began to think about this question throughout the day, and here's my take:
The forces that form my political attitudes and views are those that deal with race and class more than anything. I feel that my African American heritage and the African American Community, play a huge part in defining how I think and approach certain political situations. It’s odd because sometimes I’ll try to work even harder in order to avoid being the average African American statistic that drops out of school, has an illegitimate child, or sells drugs. I think that there is a huge problem in America that puts many African Americans behind from the get go. When I look at many of my peers within my community, I start to become discomforted because I really see how many of our priorities aren’t in order. When we should be focused on education and economic growth, we spend most of our attention in materialistic areas.
My religious affiliation also plays a large role in affecting how I view America and politics, and what I feel is right and wrong. Since I was raised in the Christian church, many of my political roots were established at an early age. For instance I am not pro choice because abortion goes against what’s in the bible. There is a conflict in views between my school and my religion, because what I have been taught at school isn’t necessarily what I’ve been taught at church. At school I’m taught to be liberal in thinking, open minded but at church I’m trained to be conservative. Before I came to school I was totally against gay marriage, but as I’ve continued to become into a man, I have definitely gained more tolerance towards gay rights. This conflict in views is interesting because it has thus started a reconciliation process, because I try to combine and mix all of my forces into what I believe.
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