Thursday, February 3, 2011


I freed a thousand slaves I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves.” - Harriet Tubman

Since it's Black History Month, and since I am an African American, I thought I'd at least warm you up with a Harriet Tubman quote. For starters, that quote just might deeper than the very hole that Bin Laden is hiding in right now. But Ms. Harriet, most definitely has a good point, because freedom is something of the mind. It's mind-boggling to think about the mere fact that during slavery, there were "slaves", who weren't aware that they were being enslaved. Which leaves me to my next point, Awareness is under-rated. Along with, being Keen and being able to discern.

If one is aware, they at least acknowledge & understand their current state of mind & being. The first step to being "free", is knowing that you are enslaved, which is what Harriet Tubman was getting at in her quote above. I feel that once someone truly believes that they are enslaved, they will do whatever it takes to free themselves. Well, I sure as hell would!

Slavery extends further than what happened to my ancestors, and is still going on to this very second. No, I'm not referencing some sort of human trafficking or sexual slavery etc. I'm talking about social slavery. I'm talking about not being able to be your true self, in fear of rejection. It's far more deeper than some high school college essay, I see it occurring everyday. Especially right around rush week, because you see people re-inventing themselves; just to fit the mold that someone ELSE set for them. And Folks, that is no good!

I have nothing against greek life by any means, but sometimes I feel as if it just isn't for everybody. Some people aren't just made for it, and when people start forcing themselves to fit the mold, sorry to say it, but they are wearing the shackles of social slavery.

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