Wednesday, March 16, 2011

I aint got no shoes. Well HE aint got no feet!

This morning on twitter, someone tweeted an old quote which led to me asking a lot more questions and pondering on some other things. But here is the quote:

Deep right? I know! However, essentially all this quote made me ask myself is, should I be happy now, cause I still don't have any shoes??? What if it snows? Rains? Or the temperature drops below 32 degrees? When my feet freeze and no longer circulate blood, then I'll become just like the man with no feet.  And I know theres a reader thinking, 'dang he totally missed the point' .... And you're wrong, I definitely get it. DUHHHH! The quote is telling me to be grateful for what I do have because there are those who have far less than I do. And this is true but does that mean I'm not allowed to be upset about my own misfortune?
I apply this quote to my own life right now: I am carless and struggling to get to school on the daily. I'm paying my own rent, bills, etc and trying to still have money left over to enjoy my youth, I work at a job that makes me work far more than I should for the minimal hourly wage they give to me. School has simply stopped being fun for me and has become much more of a burden. These temporary highs I find in partying, hanging with friends and enjoying the occasional cocktail are not enough. And from the quote I gather that I should be grateful that I have a job, an apartment, a university to attend, clothes on my back, parties to attend, friends to hang with and the means to enjoy the occasional cocktail; but am I not allowed to be sad about the shortcomings of my life? The things I find could be better. Am I not allowed to want better? Should I feel guilty for having a moment where I am not appreciative of all that I have? Are a few moments of self pity such a bad thing? Am I ungrateful? Should I just shut up and appreciate the fact that I have "feet"? 

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